
The European package has 9 different presets, they can only be used on Adobe Lightroom Desktop.
– 2 of them are made especially for sunset/sunrise (European 8 and European 9).
This pack is perfect for any destination in Europe, but these presets can also work basically anywhere.
This package was made for my continent and for the pictures I take when I’m home in France.
Of course these presets can be used for any other locations, that’s why I didn’t want to name my package by a country or city name, but more with an inspiration name. Feel free to play and use the presets with any others pictures, you could be surprised.
Please, keep in mind that all the presets work in a different way on every image, depending on the camera you use, the lens, the light, the location. The presets is not a magic solution, you will have to adjust and tweak the picture individually on your Lightroom.
Make sure also to check all the «before/after » pages before buying a pack.
You will receive the presets via a .zip file directly via email once the payment is received.